As a Real Estate Agent, allocating where to spend advertising dollars can be a difficult decision. There are many places to spend your marketing dollars in today's market. It can be enough to make your head spin! One thing is certain: marketing to potential home buyers and sellers is generally a very lengthy process. In today's blog we are going to talk about how to create a marketing funnel using Google Adwords to keep yourself and your brand front and center in the minds of your prospects. All 3 of these types of ads are pay per click. What this means is that you only get charged when someone clicks on your ads.
1. Advertising to In-Market Audiences with Display Ads.
This is one of the best ways to introduce new customers into your sales funnel and is a pretty simple process. Google already knows who is clicking on Real Estate Ads in your market and they are more than happy to sell you ad space in the potential buyer’s news feeds, for the chance that they click on your ad. These ads are sold on a pay per click basis meaning you only pay when a potential buyer or seller actually clicks on your ad.
Here is a sample of one of our display ads:

2. Using Search Ads to add prospects to your sales funnel.
Search ads are clickable text based ads that marry what potential buyers are searching for on the internet to what you have to sell. Running a search campaign is simple. The first step is to identify the keywords that you feel potential customers would be searching for. Such as: Gulf Harbour Real Estate. Create an ad targeting these potential searches and direct them to the webpage on your site that shows them all of the Gulf Harbour Properties available.
Here is an example:

3. Re-Marketing to your website visitors.
So, you have done a great job of driving traffic to your website. Hopefully most of these visitors have converted to leads. Those aren't the people that we are targeting. Your top concern is the visitors who haven't converted. They have searched your site, they looked at properties, but they haven't pulled the trigger.
Re-Marketing allows you to serve display ads to these website visitors for up to 180 days after their visit to your site.
This allows you to stay in front of your potential customers and brands you as the right person to buy or sell Real Estate from in Southwest Florida.
Here is an Example:

By marketing with this strategy you are creating a constant influx of new website visitors and keeping yourself in front of those visitors long after they have left your website. In a long sales cycle like real estate, it may be the best money that you can spend.
If you need help creating or setting up an internet marketing campaign we would be happy to offer you assistance.
Give us a call at 239-334-3321.